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Search for racers from "Milford, NH"
15 matches found - click on the name to see their results

RTG ID        Name                                 City                                         State
ARS78  Ken Arsenault Milford  NH 
BRA10  Nate Braun Milford  NH 
COO11  John Cooke Milford  NH 
DER5  Max Derosa Milford  NH 
DEW001  Dale DeWispelaere Milford  NH 
KNI5  Keith Knight Milford  NH 
MAC29  Lauren MacNeilage Milford  NH 
MAC27  Reed MacNeilage Milford  NH 
MAC28  Ruth MacNeilage Milford  NH 
stevemac  Stephen McClallen Milford  NH 
MCC22  Steve McClallen Milford  NH 
PAL12  Sarah Paley Milford  NH 
PAT14  Sarah Patey Milford  NH 
SNO4  Sean Snover Milford  NH 
Snowman1  Stuart Wing